Families of elementary students soon will have two choices for learning:

  • Hybrid learning
  • Continued full remote learning

What you need to do

On Friday, Sept. 18, you will receive via email a form to indicate your choice. The form must be completed by Monday, Sept. 21. If you do not complete the form, your child’s school will plan for your child to return following the hybrid schedule.

There is flexibility in the choice you make. If you choose to have your child attend the hybrid schedule, you may change your mind at any time to move to remote. Additionally, if you choose to have your child start in remote, you can move to the hybrid schedule. Please contact your principal about changes.

*If Clark County remains in moderate COVID-19 activity, hybrid schedules for elementary students will begin on Sept. 29. If the activity level increases above 75 cases per 100,000 before Sept. 29, the three-week monitoring cycle will restart.

Middle and high school students will continue remote learning once elementary students begin hybrid learning. Grades 6-12 schedules for hybrid learning will be shared by the end of September.

Continued remote learning

Please keep in mind that the full-remote choice will include more independent learning than the current remote 2.0 schedule. See more details. If you have questions, please contact your principal.

Hybrid learning

In-person days for your child(ren)
See what each day would include and the general schedule.

Elementary principals will communicate directly with families regarding individual student schedules. Schools will work to accommodate families with more than one child to ensure that siblings attend school on the same days.

Health screenings

    • A health survey will be emailed each school day to parents confirming their child does not have any COVID-19 symptoms prior to arrival or riding the bus.
    • Students and staff will have their temperature checked as they enter the school.
    • Students with a temperature above 100.4 degrees will be shown to a designated safe space, away from other students, until they can be picked up by parents or guardians.


    • School bus transportation to and from school will resume during hybrid. Bus routes will be available soon.

At school

    • Schools will have marked designated drop-off and pick-up locations allowing for physical distancing.
    • Physical distance of six feet or greater will be maintained in classrooms, offices, hallways, restrooms, shared space and outdoor areas.
    • Face coverings required:
      • Face masks or clear shields with drapes are required for all staff and students per Washington State Department of Health, except under special circumstances such as a developmental or health diagnosis. (Updated)
      • The district will provide cloth face masks for all students and staff, although students and staff may wear a cloth mask of their own if it is appropriate for a school setting.
      • Students and staff must wear face coverings on the bus, on school grounds and inside the building.
    • Transition and movement through hallways and common spaces will be limited and/or staggered when practical to avoid crowding.
    • Hand-washing and/or use of hand sanitizer will be available at all times.

In classrooms

    • Desks will be arranged to allow six feet of distance between students.
    • Each student will have a labeled container of school supplies.
    • Shared learning materials will be minimized as much as possible and will be sanitized between uses.
    • Students will bring their iPads to school.
    • Some arts classes will continue but will be modified based on school staffing schedules.


    • Students will have outdoor recess time.
    • Masks and physical distancing will be required outside.


    • Free breakfast and lunch will be provided to students in schools on days that they are attending in-person learning.
    • Elementary students will eat in their classrooms.
    • On days that students are learning remotely from home, grab-and-go meals will be available. These meals will be offered Monday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. They are free to all children 18 years old or younger. Students, parents or guardians can pick up meals at these locations.


    • All staff will have access to cleaning and disinfecting products for daily use.
    • Daily cleaning and disinfecting will take place each night.
    • On Wednesdays and Fridays, schools will be deep cleaned.

Will families be notified if there is a positive case of COVID-19 in their child’s school?

Yes. Families and staff members will receive an email if a positive case of COVID-19 is identified at their school. By law, the district will not identify specific information about the person. If a student or employee has had close contact with the infected person, parents will be notified about follow-up procedures.

Make sure your contact information is up to date.