Request public records

Washington state law requires state and local agencies to make records available to the public. To make a public records request, use our public records center to submit your request. Requests will be processed through the GovQA portal regardless of how the request was received.

NOTE: To request student records and transcripts,  go to the student records website.

You may also download and print the public record request form and submit it by:

FAX 360-313-1012
MAIL Public Records Officer
Taylor Richman
Vancouver Public Schools
PO Box 8937.
Vancouver, WA  98668-8937
IN PERSON District office
2901 Falk Rd.
Vancouver, WA 98661

Frequently asked questions

Washington state law requires state and local agencies to make records available to the public. The Washington State Public Records Act (RCW 42.56) supports the public’s right to be informed about what their government is doing. Public records requests must include enough specific description in order to locate the record.

The law lists certain records that do not have to be disclosed. These exemptions are intended to prevent invasions of personal privacy or the use of public records for personal or commercial gain. Public records that contain information exempt from disclosure will be redacted (blocked out) from the document before it is released.

Viewing documents at the district office is free. Call 360-313-1280 or email to make an appointment.


  • 15 cents per page for paper copies
  • 10 cents per page for electronically scanned documents
  • 5 cents per four digital files sent via email or uploaded to a data storage drive
  • 10 cents per gigabyte of electronic records
  • Actual costs of records delivery: Data storage, envelope and postage
  • Customized fee: Requests requiring technical expertise

Fees will be charged for public records only if requests exceed $5.

You will be notified if fees apply to your public records request. Documents will be released after full payment is received.

Public records are available for inspection and copying by appointment only. To make an appointment call the legal office at 360-313-1280 or email the public records office at

Reviewing records in person must be done at Vancouver Public Schools, 2901 Falk Road, Vancouver, Washington, 98661.
Hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., excluding district holidays and seasonal closures. The public records office is closed during July.
View the district calendar.

Vancouver Public Schools will do one of the following within five business days of receiving a public records request.

  1. Provide the record(s); or
  2. Provide an internet address and link on the district’s website to the specific records requested; or
  3. Acknowledge that the district has received the request and provide a reasonable estimate of the time the district will require to respond to the request; or
  4. Deny the public record request with a written statement as to why it is being withheld and a citation of the specific legal exemption that applies.

Student records are not public records.  They are confidential and protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

To request student records and/or transcripts:

  • Student records for students currently enrolled in a VPS school: Contact your school.
  • Student records and transcripts for VPS graduates: Go to the student records site
  • Student records requests that include student emails (which are protected under FERPA): Submit as a public records request.


Taylor Richman
General Counsel
Jen Anderson
Paralegal and Public Records Officer

Frequently requested documents

No public records request needs to be made to view these documents.