Kristen Briem, Merri Gonsalves Johnson, Shannon Stewart

Pictured above, from left: Kristen Briem, Merri Gonsalves Johnson and Shannon Stewart

Three more VPS teachers are now certified by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. Earning this certification signifies a commitment to the profession’s highest standards. Congratulations to the following educators:

  • Kristen Briem, Washington Elementary, certified in Literacy: Reading-Language Arts/Early and Middle Childhood
  • Merri Gonsalves Johnson, Hudson’s Bay High School, certified as an Exceptional Needs Specialist/Early Childhood Through Young Adulthood
  • Shannon Stewart, Vancouver iTech Preparatory, certified as a Generalist/Early Childhood

Obtaining certification is a rigorous process that includes a content knowledge assessment and an extensive portfolio. The portfolio demonstrates that candidates can tailor instruction to individual student needs, includes recorded lessons and shows that candidates can reflect on and adapt their teaching practices.

Currently, there are 127 National Board–certified teachers and counselors working in VPS.