Districtwide Hate and Bias Protocol

We have been piloting a new hate and bias protocol at a number of our schools, and now beginning with this school year, we are introducing a districtwide hate and bias protocol.

Staff who witness, or learn about, hate or bias speech or actions in our schools will:

  • Interrupt the harmful language or action (Example: “Stop, that is hurtful.”)

  • Write an OFFICE referral for that student’s behavior

  • Contact students’ parents or guardians

    • parents/guardians of both the student harmed and student responsible will be contacted
  • Create an educational learning opportunity for the student responsible for harm on the type of harm they have caused

  • Offer an opportunity for a restorative conversation/restorative re-entry plan

    • This will depend on whether both students are willing to restore the harm

  • Administer additional disciplinary consequences as appropriate

  • Hold a formal meeting with the student, family, and staff

    • when behavior is particularly harmful or repeated behavior
  • Explore exclusionary discipline options as well as additional behavior interventions.

Following incidents of hate and bias, we will also be teaching our students age-appropriate restorative response lessons.

We also ask that you have important conversations at home about the fact that hate and bias have no place in our schools.


“Hate”  refers to strong feelings of dislike or hostility towards a person or group based on characteristics such as race, ethnicity, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, or other protected attributes. It often involves discriminatory actions or speech that can harm individuals or communities.

“Bias” refers to prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way that is considered unfair. Bias can be implicit (unconscious) or explicit (conscious) and may manifest in attitudes, behaviors, or decisions that disadvantage certain groups or individuals.

Implementation of the Hate and Bias protocol includes district-wide training beginning in August 2024, and continuing through the school year. 

Families were informed of the Protocol in September 2024. 

Students will be educated on the Protocol by January 2025. Age-appropriate lessons will be provided at each school.

Step 1: A staff member will interrupt the harmful language (“Stop, that is hurtful.”)

Step 2: The staff member will write a referral in our student information system for that student’s behavior

Step 3: Guardian(s) will be contacted (student harmed and student responsible) 

Step 4: The student responsible will participate in an educational learning opportunity on the type of harm they have caused. 

Step 5: The student may be given the opportunity for a restorative conversation/restorative re-entry plan (depending on whether both students are willing to restore the harm) 

The student responsible may have additional disciplinary consequences.


A formal meeting with the student, family, and staff will be scheduled and building leadership will explore exclusionary discipline options as well as additional behavior interventions.

The new Protocol applies to students. There are other processes in place for incidents involving teachers, staff, and/or administrators. 

We have expectations for staff about the way they engage students, colleagues and families.  When staff do not meet those expectations, we follow employment discipline processes.  

Staff who experience incidents of bias should reach out to their school administration who will then connect all parties to VPS HR or the most appropriate department to support the situation.

A formal meeting with the student, family, and staff will be scheduled and building principals and/or associate principals will explore exclusionary discipline options as well as behavior interventions.

Student’s safety is a priority.  One of the steps in the hate and bias protocol states that guardian(s) will be contacted (student harmed and student responsible) when their student is involved.

Implementation of the Hate and Bias protocol included district-wide training beginning in August 2024, and training will continue throughout the school year.

Preventative lessons may include the role of social media in spreading hate and bias.

Protocolo de VPS contra el Odio y el Prejuicio

Hemos puesto a prueba un nuevo protocolo contra el odio y prejuicio en varias de nuestras escuelas y a partir de ahora, con el comienzo de este año escolar, estamos introduciendo un protocolo contra el odio y el prejuicio en todo el distrito. 

Personal escolar que sea testigo, o se entere de lenguaje o acciones de odio o prejuicio en nuestras escuelas van a:

  • Interrumpir el uso de lenguaje o acción hiriente (Ejemplo: “Para, esto es hiriente.”)

  • Escribir un informe a la OFICINA ESCOLAR por el comportamiento de tal estudiante

  • Contactar a los padres o tutores de los estudiantes 

    • Se contactarán los padres o tutores del estudiante afectado y del estudiante responsable del daño
  • Crear una oportunidad de aprendizaje para el estudiante responsable del daño sobre el tipo de daño que ha causado

  • Ofrecer una oportunidad de una conversación restaurativa/plan restaurativo para volver a la escuela

    • Esto dependerá de si ambos estudiantes están dispuestos a reparar el daño

  • Aplicar consecuencias disciplinarias adicionales a medida que sean apropiadas

  • Realizar una reunión formal con el estudiante, familia y personal escolar

  • Explorar opciones de disciplina excluyente, así como también intervenciones conductuales adicionales

Después de incidentes de odio y prejuicio, también estaremos enseñándoles a nuestros estudiantes lecciones adecuadas para su edad sobre respuestas restaurativas.

También les pedimos que tengan conversaciones importantes en casa sobre el hecho de que no hay lugar para el odio y el prejuicio en nuestras escuelas. 

Протокол противодействия ненависти и предвзятости VPS (Ванкуверского школьного района)

Мы уже тестируем новый протокол по борьбе с ненавистью и предвзятостью в ряде наших школ, а с этого учебного года вводим общерайонный протокол по борьбе с ненавистью и предвзятостью. 

 Сотрудники, которые станут свидетелями или узнают о случаях ненависти или предвзятости в наших школах, будут:

  • Прерывать оскорбительную речь или действие (пример: «Прекратите, это обидно»).

  • Писать направление в ОФИС по поводу поведения этого студента

  • Связываться с родителями или опекунами учащихся

    • с родителями/опекунами пострадавшего и учащихся, ответственных за происшествие
  • Создавать образовательную возможность для учащихся, ответственных за вред, узнавать о типе вреда, который они причинили.

  • Предоставлять возможность для восстановительной беседы и плана возвращения в школу.

    • Это будет зависеть от того, готовы ли оба студента восстановить причиненный вред.

  • Применять дополнительные дисциплинарные меры, если это необходимо.

  • Проводить официальную встречу с учеником, семьей и персоналом.

  • Изучать варианты исключающих дисциплинарных мер, а также дополнительные меры воздействия на поведение.

 После проишествий, связанных с ненавистью и предвзятостью, мы также будем обучать наших учеников соответствующим возрасту урокам восстановительного реагирования.

Мы также просим вас провести дома важные беседы о том, что нет места для ненависти и предвзятости в наших школах.

Met VPS epwe Féri Nupwen epwe wor Koput me Nifinifin

Kich mei fen féféri nón ekkóch ach kewe sukkun ne sotuni ew anapanap sia kan fori nupwen a fis ekkei féférun kóput me féférun nifinin. nge nón ei minafén ierin sukkun, sia mochen ach sipwene féri nón unusen ach kei sukkun meinisn.

Chón angang mei kuna, iká rong usun ekkewe féfér iká kapas mei esisinen kóput ika nifinifin aramas iwe repwe:

  • áúkanó ekkewe kapas iká féfér mei afeiengaw ( Awewe: “káúnó, mi ngaw ena”)

  • makei eché ekkewe taropwen esinesin ngeni ewe offes ren féfférun ewe chón sukkun.

  • kékéri inan me seman ewe chón sukkun

    • kékéri seman me inan ekkewe chón sukkun. Ewe e féri ewe féfer me ewe emén e féri ngeni.
  • Aea ei fansoun pun epwe ew fansoun káé ngeni ewe a féri ewe féfér an epwe sinei met ekkewe osukosuk a fis ren an fóri ewe napanap.

  • awora ew fansoun amusomus fengen iká kutá kinamwei

    • ei epwe anóngónong wón iká ir me ruemén ir mei mochen amusomus
  • Ekkewe meinapen ewe sukkun repwe pwan kuta met kapungun ekkewe chón sukkun ren ar féri ewe napanap nón sukkun.

  • Efisi ew mwiich ngeni ekkewe chón sukkun me ar kewe famini pwan ekkewe chón angang.

  • Katon iká kuta ekkóch anapanapen kapwúng fiti fengen me ekkóch anapanapen epetin ekkewe sókun féfér.

Murinón ekkei sókun féférún kóput me nifinifin, sipwe pwan asukuna néúch kewe chón sukkun ar repwe sinei met repwe féri ar repwe tongeni kinamwei fengen iká amusomus fengen.

Sipwe pwan tungor an epwe wor ach sipwe póróus ngeni néúch kewe me nón imw fanitei ar repwe sinei pun féférun kóput iká nifinifin aramas ese fókun mumutá me nón ach kewe sukkun.