School boundaries
Transfers and exceptions
Student enrollment options
Most students attend the public schools that are closest to their residence and designated by the boundaries for each school, but parents and guardians have many enrollment options for their children. In some circumstances, students can transfer to other schools within or outside of the district in which they live. Other options include private school, home schooling, alternative learning experiences and many other options.
In-district boundary exception
Applications for the 2025-26 school year are now being accepted.
Only fill out this form if you are requesting an in-district boundary exception to complete the 2025-26 school year. Information about applying for an in-district boundary exception for the current school year is below.
This process is for students living in Vancouver Public Schools who are requesting to attend a school in the district that is not their resident neighborhood school.
An in-district boundary exception form is required annually.
Requests are approved on an annual basis and carry no expectation of future enrollment, except if the student is in a district program of choice, in which case the student is assured that the request for a boundary exception shall be granted so long as the student remains in the program of choice and meets the other requirements of this procedure. Transportation is the responsibility of the parent.
Requests will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis based on space availability.
More information is available below under the tab “Changing VPS schools.”
All applications will be accepted or denied within 45 days of application.
This form can be completed on a computer, iPad or smartphone.
In-district boundary exception 2025-26
Out-of-district boundary exception
Applications for the 2024-25 school year are now being accepted.
Only fill out this form if you are requesting an out-of-district boundary exception to complete the 2024-25 school year.
Releasing: Students who live in the Vancouver School District boundaries but want to attend school in another school district should click on the link below to fill out a Choice Transfer form to be released from Vancouver Public Schools.
Phone: 360-313-1330
Requesting: Students living outside Vancouver Public Schools requesting to attend a school in Vancouver Public Schools must fill out an Out-of-District Choice Transfer Form or Solicitud de Opción Transfería and email it to your resident district (listed below) to be released.
Battle Ground Public Schools
Camas School District
Evergreen Public Schools
Hockinson School District
LaCenter School District
Ridgefield School District
Washougal School District
Woodland School District
In-district boundary exception
Applications for the 2024-25 school year are now being accepted.
Only fill out this form if you are requesting an in-district boundary exception to complete the 2024-25 school year. Information about applying for an in-district boundary exception for the current school year is below.
This process is for students living in Vancouver Public Schools who are requesting to attend a school in the district that is not their resident neighborhood school.
An in-district boundary exception form is required annually.
Requests are approved on an annual basis and carry no expectation of future enrollment, except if the student is in a district program of choice, in which case the student is assured that the request for a boundary exception shall be granted so long as the student remains in the program of choice and meets the other requirements of this procedure. Transportation is the responsibility of the parent.
Requests will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis based on space availability.
More information is available below under the tab “Changing VPS schools.”
All applications will be accepted or denied within 45 days of application.
This form can be completed on a computer, iPad or smartphone.