School boundaries

Transfers and exceptions

Vancouver Public Schools’ boundaries:

Find schools based on your home address.

Student enrollment options

Most students attend the public schools that are closest to their residence and designated by the boundaries for each school, but parents and guardians have many enrollment options for their children. In some circumstances, students can transfer to other schools within or outside of the district in which they live. Other options include private school, home schoolingalternative learning experiences and many other options.

In-district boundary exception

Applications for the 2025-26 school year are now being accepted.

Only fill out this form if you are requesting an in-district boundary exception to complete the 2025-26 school year. Information about applying for an in-district boundary exception for the current school year is below. 

This process is for students living in Vancouver Public Schools who are requesting to attend a school in the district that is not their resident neighborhood school. 

An in-district boundary exception form is required annually. 

Requests are approved on an annual basis and carry no expectation of future enrollment, except if the student is in a district program of choice, in which case the student is assured that the request for a boundary exception shall be granted so long as the student remains in the program of choice and meets the other requirements of this procedure. Transportation is the responsibility of the parent.

Requests will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis based on space availability.

More information is available below under the tab “Changing VPS schools.”

All applications will be accepted or denied within 45 days of application.

This form can be completed on a computer, iPad or smartphone.

In-district boundary exception 2025-26

Out-of-district boundary exception

Applications for the 2024-25 school year are now being accepted.

Only fill out this form if you are requesting an out-of-district boundary exception to complete the 2024-25 school year. 

Releasing: Students who live in the Vancouver School District boundaries but want to attend school in another school district should click on the link below to fill out a Choice Transfer form to be released from Vancouver Public Schools. 

Phone: 360-313-1330

Requesting: Students living outside Vancouver Public Schools requesting to attend a school in Vancouver Public Schools must fill out an Out-of-District Choice Transfer Form  or Solicitud de Opción Transfería  and email it to your resident district (listed below) to be released.

Battle Ground Public Schools   

Camas School District                 

Evergreen Public Schools           

Hockinson School District          

LaCenter School District             

Ridgefield School District           

Washougal School District          

Woodland School District            

In-district boundary exception

Applications for the 2024-25 school year are now being accepted.

Only fill out this form if you are requesting an in-district boundary exception to complete the 2024-25 school year. Information about applying for an in-district boundary exception for the current school year is below. 

This process is for students living in Vancouver Public Schools who are requesting to attend a school in the district that is not their resident neighborhood school. 

An in-district boundary exception form is required annually. 

Requests are approved on an annual basis and carry no expectation of future enrollment, except if the student is in a district program of choice, in which case the student is assured that the request for a boundary exception shall be granted so long as the student remains in the program of choice and meets the other requirements of this procedure. Transportation is the responsibility of the parent.

Requests will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis based on space availability.

More information is available below under the tab “Changing VPS schools.”

All applications will be accepted or denied within 45 days of application.

This form can be completed on a computer, iPad or smartphone.

In-district boundary exception 2024-25

Process for requesting an exception

Transfer forms for in-district boundary exceptions are available online and in school offices.

For an initial request:

  1. Fill out the In-District Choice Transfer electronic form available above.
  2. The date and time will be recorded when the application form is submitted.
  3. The principal at the requested school will accept, waitlist or deny the transfer and mark the reason for denial. The school will contact you with their decision by phone, email or letter.
  4. If accepted, the parent fills out registration paperwork for new school when ready to enroll. New school contacts resident school to withdraw student and send records.

For renewal request:

    1. In-District Choice Transfer requests are approved on an annual basis. Renewals will be granted as long as space is available and a boundary has not been revoked. Reasons for revocation include: attendance, discipline, space availability, and not meeting magnet program expectations.
    2. A new boundary form will be required for students who are newly enrolled in dual language/immersion and hi-cap/challenge programs if they are changing schools.
    3. A new boundary form will be required for students who are entering 6th or 9th grades.

The process for out-of-district transfers is different than the in-district transfer process.

Non-resident boundary requests are valid for one school year only; therefore, Choice Transfer Request form must be completed and submitted for consideration each school year.

For initial boundary exemption requests:

  1. Fill out a Choice Request Transfer Form and scan or email it to your resident district (email addresses are listed above).
  2. Your resident district will enter the request into the EDS system. We will receive an email notification that we have a pending request.
  3. We approve/deny based on space then discipline.
    1. We will look at space availability by school and grade, then we will examine discipline.
    2. We will accept or deny.
    3. First come, first served.
  4. Parent will be notified of decision within 45 days.
  5. If accepted, the parent fills out registration paperwork for new school when ready to enroll. New school contacts resident school to withdraw student and send records.

Exception: New, non-learning support special education student requests will be forwarded to the Special Services Department for decision-making.

For renewal boundary exemption requests:

  1. Fill out a Choice Request Transfer Form and scan or email it to your resident district (email addresses are listed above).
  2. Your resident district will enter the request into the EDS system. We will receive an email notification that we have a pending request.
  3. We approve ALL renewal requests UNLESS our office is notified by the principal that a boundary exception has been revoked before May 1st.

Magnet and Dual Language programs

    Principals/magnet coordinators will continue to make decisions for magnet programs. Student Welfare and Attendance will approve all boundary exceptions for students admitted into magnet programs. Students need to fill out a choice transfer form once accepted into a magnet or dual language program.

Students who wish to transfer out of Vancouver Public Schools, including to online programs such as WAVA or Insight, begin the process by completing the Choice Transfer Request electronic form.

Releasing process from VPS:

  1. Click the Choice Transfer Request electronic form on our website located above or here Out-of-District Choice Transfer Release Form.
  2. We will input the information from the electronic form into the EDS system, and the student will be released from our district.
  3. The district you are requesting will receive an email notification from EDS that is has a pending request for your student.

Families who move out of the district should visit their child’s school, if possible, to withdraw. Alternately, they can contact the school by phone or email or ask their new school to initiate the withdrawal process.

Frequently asked questions

  • The boundaries change and the student wants to stay at their current resident school as opposed to the new resident school.
  • The student wants to start or continue in a program unique to a school.
  • The student has a medical or special family-related need, such as child care.

Athletic participation is not a valid reason to request a student transfer.

  • Whether space is available in the grade level or classes at the building in which the student desires to be enrolled
  • Whether appropriate educational programs or services are available to improve the student’s condition as stated in requesting release from his or her district of residence
  • Whether the student’s attendance in the district is likely to create a risk to the health or safety of other students or staff
  • Whether the district has already accepted as many nonresident students for the school year as permitted by this policy
  • Whether the student’s disciplinary records indicate a history of violent or disruptive behavior or gang membership
  • Whether the student has been expelled or suspended from a public school for more than 10 consecutive days, in which case the student may apply for admission under the district’s policy for readmission of expelled students


Requests for student transfers are considered each school year. Renewals will be automatically granted as long as space is available and a boundary has not been revoked. A transfer approved one school year does not guarantee approval the following year. The exception is for students in magnet, dual language/immersion, and hi-cap/challenge programs. Approval as students enter these programs extend for as long as they remain in these programs.

Students who live in an attendance area are guaranteed enrollment at the school. Requests for transfers into a school are considered on a space-available basis within the grade level, class or program requested. If no space is available, students are placed on a waiting list in the order of the date and time the request was received.

State law requires schools to give priority to children of full-time school personnel (provided they live in Washington) at the school where the employee works or at the school that serves the student’s grade level within that boundary area. The district may reject applications if the staff member’s children would displace children who live in the district.

Transportation for transfer students is generally the responsibility of the parents, except for students in high school programs of choice.