Incident reporting
Report bullying, harassment, safety threats and/or intimidation
Vancouver Public Schools wants everyone who uses our schools to feel safe. If you, your child(ren) and/or someone you know has been the target of bullying, harassment, safety threats and/or intimidation, please tell us so we can investigate.
Please describe the incident(s) and enter the following information if you can: alleged harasser, staff members you have spoken to, name of witnesses, school, and the action you desire.
Is it bullying?
Bullying is a pattern of interactions in which a student is exposed repeatedly and over time to negative actions by one or more people. It is intentional harm that creates an uncomfortable environment.
Contact us
Education ombuds
If you have concerns about your child’s experience within the discipline process, please reach out to VPS’ education ombuds for help navigating the district’s processes and procedures.