Registering for school
Welcome to Vancouver Public Schools! We’re glad you’re here.
Brand new to VPS
Registering for school for the first time in Vancouver can be done online. Here’s how to get started:
- Gather the required information described below.
- Submit an account request.
- You will receive an email with information on how to access the online registration form.
Parents/guardians must complete an application for each new student.
Families of current VPS student(s)
Parents and Students can access their ParentVUE and StudentVUE accounts to see schedules, grades, transcripts, attendance, and discipline records.
Need help?
For help with information on this page, please call the Student Welfare and Attendance office at 360-313-1330 or email
Information to gather beforehand
Note: If you are living in transitional housing or if you are currently homeless, you do not need to complete the following registration steps. Please contact our HOPE program (Homeless Outreach Promoting Education), or ask your school principal for more information.
1. Immunization information: Find out what immunizations are required in Washington state for preschool and school-age children. Children must be in compliance with Washington state immunization requirements before they can start school. This includes Kindergarten Jump Start participation.
- If your child’s immunizations were completed in Washington state, register for or log into your MyIR account. You can download your child’s Certificate of Immunization Status (PDF) for school and child care entry. Alternatively, a school staff member may be able to locate your child’s immunization details and have you confirm the information.
- If your child’s immunizations were completed outside of Washington state, please download the Certificate of Immunization Status (PDF). If the Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS) form is used, it must be medically verified by accuracy with either a health care provider signature or by attaching medical immunization records to the completed CIS so school or child care staff can verify it for accuracy.
- Certificate of Exemption (COE) form
2. Residency information: To establish a student’s residence, the parent of legal guardian must upload one of the documents listed below.
- Mortgage statement/current rental agreement
- Government-issued check or correspondence
- Public agency document (DSHS, courts)
- Current payroll check or stub with name and address
- Utility bill (water/sewer, electricity)
- Driver’s license or other official ID with current address
Note: If you cannot supply the documentation listed, you will be referred to Student Welfare and Attendance to determine an appropriate pathway for proof of residency that may include a home visit.
As part of the registration process, you will be required to read and sign the Residency Verification Affidavit form. Misrepresentation of residency information or failure to follow through with the statements in the affidavit will result in the student’s withdrawal from the school.