Vancouver Public Schools
Budget information
A well-managed budget is key to being able to deliver on our commitment to offer every student a quality education, safety, and resources for well-being.
It is important we make the right decisions on how to allocate the funding we receive in order to provide the many things necessary to allow for learning, including but not limited to:
- transportation to and from school
- meals
- classroom instruction
- special education supports
- highly capable instruction supports
- safety officers
- counseling and mental health support
- well-maintained grounds and buildings
- extracurricular activities and offerings
We take our responsibility seriously to spend our money in a smart way that helps us achieve our goals of healthy students, schools, and communities, ultimately strengthening our Vancouver community.
Our hope is to offer visibility into these funding and spending details in an effort to foster a greater understanding of our funding sources, allocations, and range of programs and services that are provided to those in our district.
3-Year Budget Trend
See how the VPS District Budget has changed over the past three years. Please note this budget includes federal funding (ESSER funds) awarded to help address the COVID-19 pandemic. These funds must be spent by 2023, and will not be replaced. Use the tabs at the top of the chart to view the information by program and activity.
ESSER Funding
The Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund was provided to support programs that help students recover from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. This money must be spent by 2023. Click on the tabs at the top of the chart to see the efforts VPS funded by this initiative.
ARP-ESSER spending plans
ARP-ESSER III spending plan 20%
ARP-ESSER III spending plan 80%
Budget news
Our 2024-25 Budget Challenges | Español | Русский | Fóósun Chuuk
Learn more about our budget and share your input.