Our goal is for our official social media accounts to be places where people can get a glimpse inside VPS and connect with members of the VPS community. To help this happen, we have established the following guidelines for those who wish to visit or interact with VPS accounts:

Practice good digital citizenship
Please use civility and respect when posting and sending messages, and ensure that comments are related to the subject of a post.

Language of the following nature may be removed and/or reported

  • Harassment
  • Discrimination
  • Explicit
  • Offensive
  • Inappropriate
  • Libelous
  • Threatening
  • Profane
  • Spam
  • Promoting illegal activity
  • Privacy violations
  • Repetition of the same comment or substantially similar comments

Content should be related to VPS
VPS social media accounts can’t promote products, services or events on behalf of external organizations. If you represent a company that would like to learn more about the district’s purchasing practices, please contact our purchasing department. If you are a nonprofit with a free educational or cultural opportunity to share and you would like to distribute a flyer to families, please see our distribution process.

Vancouver Public Schools reserves the right to manage all VPS-related social media accounts at its discretion. Failure to follow the above guidelines may result in action without notice to the user. This can include comments being hidden or removed and/or a user being banned, blocked or muted.

Per public records laws, comments and messages on or to VPS social media accounts could be included in a public records request.

Questions and comments
If you have a school- or district-related question or issue that needs to be resolved, please:

VPS-affiliated social media accounts

School or departmentFacebookTwitterInstagramYouTubeLinkedIn
Vancouver Public Schools@VancouverPublicSchools@VancouverSD@vancouverpublicschoolsVancouver Public SchoolsVancouver Public Schools
Alki Middle School@AlkiWolves@AlkiMiddle@AlkiMSWolves
Anderson Elementary@sarahjandersonES
Chinook Elementary School@chinookwolfpups@ChinookWolfpups
Columbia River High School@ColumbiaRiverHS
Discovery Middle School@discoverymiddleschoolvancouver
Eisenhower Elementary School@EisenhowerES@EisenhowerVPS@EisenhowerEaglesVPS
Felida Elementary School@FelidaFalcons
Fir Grove/Vista@FirGroveVISTA@FirVista
Fort Vancouver High School Center for International Studies@fortcis@fvhs_cis@fortcisFort Vancouver High School Center for International Studies
Franklin Elementary School@BenFranklinES@BenFranklin_ES
Fruit Valley Community Learning Center@FruitValleyES
Gaiser Middle School@GaiserGrizzlies@GaiserGrizzlies@gaisermsgrizzlies
Harney Elementary School@HarneyHornets@HarneyHornets
Hazel Dell Elementary School@HazelDellElementary@Hazel_DellES@hazeldellelementary
Hough Elementary School@HoughES@HoughElementary
Hudson's Bay High School@HudsonsBayHS@HudsonsBayHS
Jason Lee Middle School@JasonLeeVPS@jasonleevps
King Elementary School@KingCubsVPS@MLK_VPS
Lake Shore Elementary School@LakeShoreES@LakeShoreVPS
Lieser Campus@LieserOcelots@VPSOcelot
Lincoln Elementary School@LincolnElementarySchoolVancouver@Lincoln_Rocks1
Marshall Elementary School@GeorgeCMarshallElementary@gcmarshallelementary
McLoughlin Middle School@McLoughlinMS@mac.pioneers
Minnehaha Elementary School@MinnehahaES
Ogden Elementary School@ogdenelementary@psoelementary
Roosevelt Elementary@EleanorRooseveltES@RooseveltVPS@eleanorrooseveltelementary
Sacajawea Elementary School@SacajaweaES@Sac_Principal@sacajaweaelementary
Salmon Creek Elementary School@SalmonCreekES
Skyview High School@SkyviewStorm@skyviewstormwa@skyviewstormwa
Thomas Jefferson Middle School@JeffersonVPS
Truman Elementary School@TrumanVPS@TrumanVPS
Vancouver Flex Academy@FlexVPS@FlexAcademyVPS@FlexAcademyVPS
Vancouver iTech Preparatory@VancouverITechPreparatory@iTechPrep@itechpreparatory
Vancouver School of Arts and Academics@arts.vansd@VSAA_VPS
VITA Elementary School@VITAElementary@VITA_Elementary@vita.vps
Walnut Grove Elementary School@WalnutGroveES
Washington Elementary School@WashingtonHuskiesVPS@Wash_HuskiesVPS
VPS board of directorsVPS board of directors
VPS athletics@AthleticsVPS
VPS Advancement Via Individual Determination@vpsAVID
VPS career and technical education@vps.cte@vps_cte
VPS instructional technology facilitators@vpsitf
VPS safe and supportive learning environments@vpsmtss
VPS Family-Community Resource Centers@VPS_FCRC
VPS libraries@vpslibraries
VPS Re: Schools (construction updates)@VPS_ReSchools
VPS student welfare and attendance office@VPSattendance@vpsattendance@vpsattendance
Foundation for VPS@FoundationforVPS@FoundationVPS@foundationforvps
Ruth Bader Ginsburg Elementary School@GinsburgElementary@Ginsburg_ES@ginsburg_es