Highly Capable Services
Who is a Highly Capable student?
Highly Capable students are those who perform at advanced academic levels when compared to their peers of the same age, in the same school, and who share similar experiences.
Students who are Highly Capable process information differently than other students and typically want to go into more depth on topics or bring different pieces of information together to come up with new solutions or answers.
Sometimes high achieving students are confused with highly capable students.
Learn more about the differences between highly capable and high achieving students

How are highly capable students identified?
Eligibility is determined by a data review process that includes:
When are highly capable students identified?
Each school year all second and fifth grade students are screened for Highly Capable Services.

When do Highly Capable Services begin?
Once the data review is complete, families will be notified electronically if the student has been identified as highly capable. Once a fifth grade student has been identified and the family has provided permission for services, the student will begin to receive Highly Capable services. For second grade students, services will begin in the fall of the following school year.
What is the identification process for other grade levels?
A kindergartener or first grader may be referred for services by completing a referral form. Referrals for K-1 will result in the student being placed on the highly capable monitoring list.
Third and fourth graders may be referred for services by completing a referral form. Referrals for third and fourth grade students will result in the student’s data being reviewed in the spring.
Who can complete a referral form?
Any teacher, family or community member can submit a referral form each year between January 6 – May 31. Once the referral is received, the family will be notified electronically about next steps in the identification process.
Can the data review decision be appealed?
Yes. If families disagree with an eligibility decision, they can submit a written request within five business days of the date of the decision for an informal conference with highly capable staff. The informal conference will be held within ten business days of the request.
If concerns remain unresolved after the informal conference, parents/legal guardians have the right to submit a formal appeal to the MDSC by completing an appeal form online or in writing within five business days of the unsuccessful informal conference. A minimum of three MDSC members will convene to discuss the appeal, review student data, and make a final recommendation. Families will be electronically notified of the final MDSC decision.

What do Highly Capable Services look like in VPS?
Highly Capable Services in VPS provides depth and complexity in language arts and math for students in grades K-12 who are identified as highly capable.
The type of services a highly capable student receives may look different at each grade level and in each school.
Highly Capable Services at each grade level:
Our earliest formal identification of a student as highly capable is at the end of second grade. Highly Capable services for students in kindergarten through second grade are provided by your child’s classroom teacher. We believe our youngest learners deserve time to develop their talents.
Highly Capable students in third through fifth grades have two options:
- specialized instruction in the classroom at their neighborhood school for math, english language arts or both subjects
- intensive HiCap support at a designated elementary school
Specialized instruction in a neighborhood school may or may not be in a classroom with other Highly Capable students. This allows the students to receive instruction designed to meet their needs while still participating with other students within their local community.
In previous years, students who qualified for HiCap services demonstrated support needs in both English Language Arts and Math. Starting in the 2024-25 school year, students no longer need to demonstrate need in both subjects to qualify for HiCap services. Students may qualify for English Language Arts services only or Math services only. Some students will qualify for services for both subjects.
Intensive HiCap support means students receive specialized instruction in a specified classroom made up of students identified as Highly Capable. This service is only offered at a specific elementary school and is for students who demonstrate a need for more intensive services.
Process for Intensive HiCap support invite
There are several different pathways for students to enter the Intensive HiCap support classroom at Truman.
- Universal screening ability data and achievement data were reviewed. Data indicates Intensive HiCap support need (grades 2 & 5).
- Referral form completed by teacher or family member, ability and achievement data reviewed. Data indicates a need for Intensive HiCap support placement (grades 3 & 4).
- Families new to the district turn in ability and achievement data from prior school district to Highly Capable Services. Data indicates Intensive HiCap support need (grades 3-5).
Highly Capable middle school students are placed in honors-level or advanced and accelerated English/language arts, humanities, math, and science courses. These courses help prepare students for more rigorous high school courses. Students may also have opportunities to begin earning high school credit in math, world language and science. In some instances, a Highly Capable middle school student may not be placed in an advanced course. In these situations, families receive notification explaining this placement. A highly capable designation is not required for placement in an advanced course in middle school.
Highly Capable high school students take courses that align with their High School and Beyond plan. This plan is developed with the help of counselors and teachers. Students are provided information and choices of the following programs: International Baccalaureate, Advanced Placement, College in the High School, and Running Start. These all provide options for coursework that allow our Highly Capable students to earn high school graduation and college credit at the same time. A highly capable designation is not required for placement in advanced courses in high school.
Mailing address: P.O. Box 8937, Vancouver, WA 98661-8937
Physical address: 2901 Falk Rd., Vancouver, WA 98661
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