There are many free opportunities for students in grades 3-5 to immerse themselves in the arts this school year, including music, creative movement and visual art offered during the school day at our elementary schools.
After school arts programs: 3 – 5 grades
- Every elementary school will offer an after-school arts program in dance, theatre, choir or visual art.
- Offerings vary by building.
- Students will be notified of building programs and opportunities through a flier or letter distributed by their arts teachers in September or October.
Band and orchestra: 5th grade students only
- Every 5th grade student can extend their school day twice per week to participate in band or orchestra. Students are transported by school bus to one of three middle schools for these classes in the morning before the elementary day begins and transported back to their school prior to the school day beginning.
- Informational meetings for band and orchestra will be held on Tuesday, October 4th at 6:30 PM at Discovery, Gaiser and Mcloughlin Middle Schools. All interested students and parents should attend.
After school dance workshops: 3 – 7 grades
- Students can participate in a once a week, after school dance workshop held at Vancouver School of Arts and Academics.
- Parents must provide transportation for students to and from this workshop.
- A variety of dance styles will be explored. Students will progress through a warm-up, skill development, and choreography. Students will work individually and with partners. Students will strengthen their dance technique and choreographic skills in ballet, modern and jazz dance.
- Classes are on Wednesdays from 4:30-5:30 PM, beginning October 5th.
All opportunities are taught by Vancouver Public Schools certified teachers and are offered free to students currently enrolled in Vancouver Public Schools.
Students interested in band/choir, orchestra or dance should fill out the attached Class request form and completed and signed medical release and permission forms*. These should be returned by September 19 to Vancouver School of Arts and Academics: 3101 Main Street, Vancouver, WA 98663.