Cell phone policy

Cell phone

Why are we revisiting our VPS cell phone policy?

There’s been a lot of conversation nationwide recently about how cell phones may affect students’ mental health and learning in school. This topic is also getting plenty of attention in the media with people both locally and across the country sharing many different opinions and varying concerns.

Right now, our district policy allows each individual school to make their own rules about cell phone use, but we want to make sure this is the best approach for our students. We’re reviewing our current guidelines this school year to determine if a change is needed, and if it is, what that should look like. 

Thank you for your time and for being a part of this important conversation. We will be updating this page with feedback and proposals regarding any potential policy change.

Student, staff and parent feedback

In September 2024 we distributed a survey asking for feedback from our students, staff and families (separately) and this is the feedback we received:


  • August–September: Explore current opinions and how schools are currently applying policy

  • October–Novermber: Utilize VPS advisory structures to get feedback on possible next steps

  • December: Based on feedback, VPS staff to draft proposals of strategies and potential policy change options for consideration

  • January–February: VPS advisory groups review options

  • February: VPS school board to hear first reading of any possible policy changes

  • March: VPS school board to hear second reading of any possible policy changes

  • April–June: Pilot procedures with potential modifications for the 2025–26 school year

What’s next?

Over 7000 people have shared their thoughts, ideas, and concerns about cell phones at school. It might not surprise you to know that there are a lot of differing opinions about what’s happening and what should be done. I hope you’ve had a chance to review those results and perhaps noticed some similarities and differences from your ideas. 

We want to know what you think we should do next to positively affect the student experience and increase student engagement related to cell phone use in schools. 

Thanks for taking your time to share your perspective and review other perspectives as well!

First Day of School 2024 photo. Teacher greeting students.