Free physicals are available to Vancouver Public Schools students entering sixth through 12th grades in the 2017-18 school year.

  • Limited space available
  • Reserve your spot with your school’s business office.
  • Sports physical staff will facilitate a referral to a primary care provider

Students should bring the WIAA sports physical form with them and have already completed the medical history portion. They should wear loose-fitting shorts and T-shirts. A student who is not accompanied by a parent or guardian must bring a signed permission slip.

Students with known cardiac, asthma, diabetes and/or seizure-related issues or other conditions of concern cannot be served. If an abnormality is found, the student will be referred to a primary care provider before being cleared for the sport.

Please let your Business Clerk know if you will need a translator.
Por favor, informe a su Secretaria de negocios si se necesita un traductor.

These physicals are provided by volunteers and are meant to target those athletes with difficulty accessing health care or those who do not have health insurance. These exams are not meant to replace regular health visits with your primary care provider. If you have access to primary care, please have your sports physical performed there.

Physicals are sponsored by Vancouver Public Schools, Family Medicine of Southwest Washington and the Free Clinic of Southwest Washington.

5700 E 18th St, Vancouver, WA 98661