In an unprecedented move, Marshall Elementary went all in on its first certification from Washington Green Schools. Marshall achieved bronze, silver, gold and platinum certifications for its work in energy, water, healthy school buildings, waste and recycling, school grounds and gardens and transportation—every certification category offered by the nonprofit organization.
To use less energy, the school created posters with reminders to turn off lights, appointed class light monitors, distributed low-energy light bulbs and shared information with Marshall families about the importance of using less energy.
To conserve water, the school learned about watersheds, created a visual reminder of the amount of trash that enters the sewer system and encouraged people not to litter.
The school also showed families how to pack healthier sack lunches from home, planted vegetables and flowers, improved its recycling efforts and prevented excess vehicle idling on Marshall grounds.
Teachers Sara Rodin, Suel, Amanda Abts and Sue Kangas and 21 fourth-graders, including six of whom served as project managers, led the school’s green efforts. Students, families, volunteers and staff members contributed to Marshall’s success in Green Schools certification.
Nearly 30 Vancouver schools currently hold certification from Washington Green Schools.