Rechister ren Sukkun

Ach ei nenien rechister epwe suuk nón
Akos 9-25, 2023
Sárinfán, Oru, Éúnúngát, Enimwu: 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Érúánú: 1 p.m. – 7 p.m.

Akos 19: 10 a.m-3 p.m.

Meinisin minafén chóón sukkun ngeni ach kei Vancouver Public Schools nón (elementary, middle, me high school) iir mei káeó ngeni fóósun Merika me núkkún fóósun fénúer, repwe etto rechister ren ewe

Bates Center for Educational Leadership, 2921 Falk Road Vancouver WA 98661.

*Kose mochen uwei:
1) Néúr taropwen oppos
2) Taropwen upwutiwen emén me emén chóón sukkun
3) Nampan áninisir seni kafémén/mwúún Washington iká Public Assistance Case (iká pwe mei wor néúmi)
4) Eché taropwe epwe pwaratá ian ou nómw ian iei me itan me nampan néún emén phone sipwe kékkéri iká e wor osukosuk iká póróus atapwanapwan

*Ika pwe eseor imwomw, mei wor omw pwuung omw kopwe makkei/rechisterini noumw ewe semirit pun epwe sukun, ina mwo ika esapw unus ekkewe taropwe ren taropwen oppos, taropwen uputiwen ewe semirit, me taropwen pwaarata ika ian ke nonomw ian.

Ren tichikin póróus, kose mochen kéri 360-313-1000 (nón/mwúúrin Akkos 10)

School Registration Intake Center

Dates: Monday–Friday, August 9-25, 2023
Times: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Thursday: 1 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Saturday, August 19, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Location: Bates Center for Educational Leadership
2921 Falk Rd., Vancouver, WA 98661

Who: All students new to VPS who speak a language other than English at home.

Please bring:

1) Proof of immunization
2) Proof of birthdate for each child
3) Public assistance case number if applicable
4) Proof of current address* and emergency contact numbers

*If you are experiencing homelessness, you have the right to register your child for school even if you do not have your full documentation.

2921 Falk Road Vancouver WA 98661