Following a March 9 symposium to gather ideas for a new Ogden Elementary, planning teams of staff members and architects translated the key themes into architectural concepts and designs. On March 11 they unveiled three concepts for a new, larger school. The following illustrations are artistic conceptual drawings only. They do not reflect final school design plans.
Concept 1: Community school
This concept imagines the school as the hub of the community. A large plaza would serve as a town square with space for community organizations and school-based support. Different neighborhood-like spaces would comprise the interior, with areas for wellness, the arts and exploration. Classroom areas might feature collaborative working spaces, movable walls and nearby restrooms. An outdoor courtyard and onsite nature reserve could provide nature-based learning opportunities. A larger area for pickups/dropoffs and bus loading/unloading would ease traffic around the school.
Concept 2: Green school
Another concept envisioned a building constructed with sustainable materials that would harness alternative energy and bring nature inside the school. An internal courtyard, ample natural light and air and moveable walls creating indoor/outdoor connections would integrate the structure into the surrounding area. The concept also included a treelike structure in the center of the school and dry creek bed running from the entry through the school and into the play area. The facility could be used as a learning tool, connecting its features into the curriculum and allowing students to complete hands-on projects. Outside the school, a natural playground, paths, quiet and eating spaces and a community garden and recycling center would extend learning opportunities for both students and the community.
Concept 3: The stream
A stream runs through the third concept, which embraces fluidity in time, space and work. Spaces are adaptable for many uses by students, staff and the community. Student-centered learning allows for gradual independence whether working independently or collaboratively. The two-story structure could contain activity spaces and an exploratorium/media center. The building, made of sustainable materials and providing opportunities for environmental studies, would foster connections between the interior and exterior. Large open spaces around the school could be used for athletics and other activities. And separate dropoff/pickup and bus loading/unloading areas would alleviate traffic.
An extensive review and ongoing planning will assess feasibility and affordability and hone the concepts into more detailed plans.
Thanks to voter approval of a bond measure, construction to rebuild Ogden is slated to begin in June 2018, depending on contractor availability, bond cash flow and other circumstances.
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