Vancouver Public Schools is reaching out to staff and community members for input and guidance as part of its response to the Washington State Attorney General’s Office investigation of disproportionate discipline for special education, African American, Native American and Hawaiian/Pacific Islander students.
A steering committee of 12-15 internal and external stakeholders including representatives of Vancouver’s National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and SW Washington’s League of United Latin American Citizens will convene in December to review the AGO’s report, the relevant discipline data and the work completed to date. Invitations also will be extended to Native American, Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, and special education partners.
“We welcome working with our community partners and families as we address this complex challenge that affects not only our district, but school districts and communities throughout our state and nation,” said Superintendent Steve Webb. “We hope that the work we will do together can serve as a model for others.”
In January, the steering committee will meet with consultant Daniel Losen from the UCLA Center for Civil Rights Remedies to review his report and recommendations. In March, the steering committee will guide the formation of goal area teams. Composed of district staff, parents and community members, those teams will help the district develop action plans with specific goals, strategies and timelines for improving equity in student disciplinary practices. The district will keep the public informed of the planning process through periodic updates.
A recap of the process and action plans will be presented to the board of directors in May. A progress report will be submitted to Losen and the attorney general in July 2020.