Vancouver Flex Academy and Franklin Elementary are two of five schools in Southwest Washington and 91 across the state identified as 2018 School of Distinction winners. The award recognizes the top 5 percent of schools that have demonstrated sustained improvement over a five-year period in English language arts, math and graduation rates.
This is the third consecutive year that Franklin Elementary has received the award and the first year for Vancouver Flex Academy.
“This honor is reflective of the incredibly hard work and dedication of staff and students,” said ESD 112 Superintendent Tim Merlino. “These schools are proof that through dedication and perseverance we can overcome barriers to dramatically improve outcomes for all students,” he added.
The School of Distinction Award is sponsored by the Center for Educational Effectiveness in partnership with the Association of Educational Service Districts, Association of Washington School Principals, Washington Association of School Administrators, Washington State School Directors’ Association and the Washington State Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development.