Celebrating Our Schools
See recent recognitions for several of our schools.
See recent recognitions for several of our schools.
Graduates - look at how far you’ve come! Fellow VPS students, your VPS staff, loved ones and community are incredibly proud of you.
Sales are open to the public. Proceeds support student clubs and classes.
Graduates - look at how far you’ve come! Fellow VPS students, your VPS staff, loved ones and community are incredibly proud of you.
Sales are open to the public. Proceeds support student clubs and classes.
Leading up to graduation, we interviewed hundreds of seniors. We asked them about what worked for them and what we could improve to make school the best place it can be.
Thank you to our students, families and staff for your collaboration and contributions to a successful school year!
This month's recipients include two teachers, a custodian, paraeducator and Family-Community Resource Center coordinator
Several VPS schools were featured on U.S. News and World Report's 2022 list.
Sales are open to the public. Proceeds support student clubs and classes.
Several VPS programs are again accepting applications for the 2022-23 school year. Deadlines vary, so apply now!
Learn about continuing temporary remote learning and what’s next.
It is necessary to implement a temporary schedule in which some of our schools will switch to four days of remote learning over the next three weeks.
Several VPS schools appear on U.S. News and World Report's 2021 list of leading high schools.
See how VPS schools celebrated National Hispanic Heritage Month!
Meet some of the newest members of Team VPS!
Seven Vancouver schools are among 24 honored schools from Southwest Washington and 391 statewide.
State Recognized Schools represent the top 20% in Washington for school improvement.
All proceeds support FFA and programs that teach kids job skills.
The award recognizes sustained improvement in English language arts, math and graduation rates.
Improvements to the school's grounds led to statewide recognition.
Class-size reductions, playground improvements and turf field installations are among the upcoming projects.
This year was full of wonder, respect and gratitude.
This Wednesday, March 1, high school juniors throughout the district have the opportunity to take the Scholastic Aptitude Test during the school day. SAT School Day is offered to make the three-and-a-half-hour exam available to [...]
Because voters approved a bond measure, every school in the district will benefit, including Vancouver Flex Academy. Find out how!
The cheering was thunderous as seniors from Columbia River High School paraded down the halls of Eisenhower.
To encourage and support a college-going culture, Vancouver Public Schools will offer students the opportunity to take the SAT exam free of charge as part of SAT School Day.
Eight students at Vancouver Flex Academy revealed what it's like to attend a small school that offers strong support. “Teachers come to you.” —Kiana Small “It’s laid back. We can work on what we [...]
Four employees were selected for the December 2015 recognition.
This year, VPS students in sixth through 12th grades are using iPads or laptops, thanks to a 2013 community-approved technology levy.
Captain Ahab had the Pequod. Santiago had his skiff. The Goonies had the Inferno. A group of 16 students from Vancouver Flex Academy and iTech Preparatory had their wooden drift boat.
In April, 150 education leaders from across the nation converged in Vancouver to learn about the district’s weLearn 1:1 technology initiative. The conference, hosted by the nonprofit Digital Promise’s elite League of Innovative Schools, [...]
Four Vancouver Public Schools teachers earned National Board Certification in 2014, demonstrating the knowledge and skills necessary to prepare students for 21st-century careers. This year’s class includes (pictured above from left) Katie Nedved, Vancouver Flex Academy and Vancouver iTech Preparatory, [...]
Jon Lauderbaugh is the AVID teacher at Vancouver Flex Academy. Jon's creativity and passion for teaching inspires students to realize their full potential. Through AVID, Jon strives to help his students develop the critical thinking [...]
Columbia River, Fort Vancouver, Hudson’s Bay and Skyview high schools, in addition to Vancouver iTech Preparatory, each received a $7,000 donation from the truck manufacturer to further science, technology, engineering and math education and career [...]
Four employees were selected for the October 2014 recognition. They were honored at the Oct. 28 school board meeting. Pictured from left to right are: Eddie Sawyer, instructional technology facilitator, information and technology services Anne Kizerian, teacher, [...]
Design II Showcase Goal Area: Programs of Choice Vancouver Flex Academy at Lewis and Clark High School is Vancouver Public Schools' newest program of choice. Recently, Principal Rob Duncan and teacher Katie Cunningham shared what’s [...]