2024 Radon testing results | Español | Русский | Fósun Chuuk
See our routine radon testing results for spring 2024.
See our routine radon testing results for spring 2024.
Several students were selected to participate in Washington Music Educators Association's All-State Honor Groups.
Congratulations to the recipients of the January Excellence Awards!
Congratulations to the recipients of the June 2023 Excellence Awards!
Thank you to our students, families and staff for your collaboration and contributions to a successful school year!
Results showed that radon levels are below the Environmental Protection Agency’s limit.
En este episodio, hablaremos sobre los cambios e información actualizada sobre el COVID, conocerá a Denisse Barba subdirectora de la escuela primaria Anderson, quien nos habló sobre el mes de la mujer. También verá como los estudiantes de las escuelas Sarah J Anderson y Jaason Lee aprender sobre las discapacidades. Y Conocerá a Amalia Franco, Coordinadora de Recursos para la familia y la comunidad en la escuela secundaria Discovery.
“We wanted a book that had a message that could help us build the culture of the school,” said Teacher-Librarian Cheryl Miller.
VPS has been testing for and lowering lead levels in school water since 2016 following Environmental Protection Agency standards. Now, the state of Washington has set a new standard.
This month's recipients include a teacher, teacher librarian, school nurse, building operator and instructional coach.
It is necessary to implement a temporary schedule in which some of our schools will switch to four days of remote learning over the next three weeks.
Welcome to some of the newest members of #TeamVPS!
Work continues on school bond projects. Here's the latest on all of the projects to date.
The number of National Board–certified educators in VPS is now 148.
Fifteen Vancouver students qualified for the National History Bee. Seven also qualified for the U.S. Geography Olympiad.
The following changes in administration will take place in August for the 2019-20 school year. These changes do not increase costs in the district’s administrative budget. Five central office administrative positions have been eliminated [...]
The Visit VPS tour will treat guests to exclusive opportunities to engage with staff and students, explore classrooms and programs and experience learning at three schools.
Two Skyview students earned top awards in the Miss Clark County Outstanding Teen Pageant.
Three teachers, a registrar and an associate principal are this month's winners.
Class-size reductions, playground improvements and turf field installations are among the upcoming projects.
No need to tell these kids about history. They're experts in it—and they've got the accolades to prove it!
Construction and repair projects for summer 2017 have been scheduled, with funding provided by the bond measure that local voters approved in February 2017.
Seventeen elementary and middle school students from Vancouver Public Schools competed in the regional History Bee held at Columbia River High School.
A Family-Community Resource Center, secure entrance and new track are among the many improvements that Jason Lee Middle School will receive with funding from a bond measure.
Elementary and middle school students from Vancouver recently competed in the National History Bee and Citizenship Bee in Chicago, Illinois.
They came, they saw, they conquered history and geography—the History Bee and U.S. Geography Olympiad, that is.
Four employees were selected for the December 2015 recognition.
Four employees were selected for the November 2015 recognition.
This year, VPS students in sixth through 12th grades are using iPads or laptops, thanks to a 2013 community-approved technology levy.
In their third year of dominating the competition at local and state Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement events, the MESA team from Jason Lee Middle School ended another successful season with a win at the national competition in Ogden, [...]
Eighty-six-year-old Bud McDonald greeted guests arriving at Jason Lee Middle School with fun-sized Snickers bars. McDonald and his granddaughter Tahlia Silvey, a Jason Lee math teacher, were at the school on May 21 to celebrate [...]
Wen-Shun Chen’s Franklin Elementary classroom looks like many other elementary classrooms in Vancouver Public Schools.
Sixth-grader Andrew Douglas (pictured on left) used his considerable knowledge of history to secure two top-five finishes at the National History Bee Championships in Louisville, Kentucky, in late May. After correctly responding to the question "What illness contracted [...]
What do you get when you add four young math aces to one dedicated teacher and multiply by the state Math is Cool competition? Answer: A first place in the Division I team category for [...]
Vancouver Public Schools has announced several administrative changes for the 2015-16 school year. Personnel assignments are subject to final approval by the school board. At the district administrative office, Travis Campbell has been hired as [...]
From left: Columbia River students Dakota Anderberg, Courtney Stump, Alfonso Gonzalez, Josh Nygaard and Zoe Clute History is alive and well at Columbia River High School and Jason Lee Middle School! Last March, CRHS [...]
Calling all former panthers! Jason Lee Middle School will celebrate its 50th anniversary later this year! This spring, they're looking for alumni to speak to current students. If you're an alum and would like to [...]
High school team of the month Fort Vancouver High School wrestling coach Saleh Batroukh has done a great job increasing program numbers and developing an identity of team unity and hard work as the team [...]