January 2025 Employee Excellence Awards
Congratulations to the recipients of the January 2025 Excellence Awards!
Congratulations to the recipients of the January 2025 Excellence Awards!
See our routine radon testing results for spring 2024.
Announcing two new elementary choice schools: VITA and RBG. Applications are being accepted.
This year, all second through fifth grade students will have an opportunity to visit this new school and learn more about the community they live in.
See first day of school pictures from around the district!
Thank you to our students, families and staff for your collaboration and contributions to a successful school year!
Results showed that radon levels are below the Environmental Protection Agency’s limit.
VPS has been testing for and lowering lead levels in school water since 2016 following Environmental Protection Agency standards. Now, the state of Washington has set a new standard.
See how VPS schools celebrated National Hispanic Heritage Month!
A walking path and butterfly garden at Lake Shore Elementary School are part of a larger plan to expand exercise, creative play and hands-on learning to the outdoors.
Learn about this month's recipients!
Work continues on school bond projects. Here's the latest on all of the projects to date.
Two clerks, two teachers and a teacher-librarian are this month's winners.
Fifteen Vancouver students qualified for the National History Bee. Seven also qualified for the U.S. Geography Olympiad.
Approximately 60 elementary and middle school students from Vancouver Public Schools made the cut for the National History Bee.
“We’re like a family,” said senior Carmen Chacon of her peers in the Culinary Arts program.
Lake Shore Elementary set what it thought was a modest goal: Raise $750 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
Class-size reductions, playground improvements and turf field installations are among the upcoming projects.
Seventeen elementary and middle school students from Vancouver Public Schools competed in the regional History Bee held at Columbia River High School.
How will Lake Shore Elementary benefit from a 2017 bond measure? Find out!
Elementary and middle school students from Vancouver recently competed in the National History Bee and Citizenship Bee in Chicago, Illinois.
They came, they saw, they conquered history and geography—the History Bee and U.S. Geography Olympiad, that is.
Anderson, Chinook, Felida, Hazel Dell, Lake Shore, Sacajawea and Salmon Creek elementary students recently participated in the annual Fire Safety Poster Contest.
Author-illustrator Tom Angleberger visited Lake Shore Elementary School on Oct. 2. The self-proclaimed nerd told students about growing up in Virginia, displayed an origami technique and discussed his book The Strange Case of Origami Yoda. [...]
Six employees were selected for the January 2015 recognition. They were honored at the Jan. 27 school board meeting. Pictured from left to right are: Stephanie Kennedy, teacher, Minnehaha and Lake Shore elementary schools Stephanie Jakubek, counselor, [...]
This month's recipients represent Fruit Valley, Lake Shore, Sacajawea and Hazel Dell elementary schools; McLoughlin Middle School; and Fort Vancouver High School.