Jun 2015

National educational spotlight shines on Vancouver Public Schools

June 18th, 2015|Categories: Design II strategic plan, Design II timeline, Elementary schools, Project: iTech, Project: McLoughlin, Project: VSAA, Secondary schools (6-12), Supt news, VPS achievements, weLearn1:1|Tags: , , , , , , , |

In April, 150 education leaders from across the nation converged in Vancouver to learn about the district’s weLearn 1:1 technology initiative. The conference, hosted by the nonprofit Digital Promise’s elite League of Innovative Schools, [...]

May 2015

Communicators claim association awards

May 21st, 2015|Categories: Staff, Supt news|Tags: |

In April, the VPS communications office and other staff members collected several awards from the Washington School Public Relations Association. The association received 270 entries in 13 categories. Forty awards received Awards of Excellence; 105 entries received Awards [...]

May 2015

U.S. Department of Education selects Vancouver Public Schools to tell digital transformation story

May 18th, 2015|Categories: Elementary schools, Project: iTech, Project: McLoughlin, Secondary schools (6-12), Supt news, VPS achievements, VPS press releases, weLearn1:1|Tags: , , , |

Discovery Middle School teacher Patrick Mahaney is interviewed for the U.S. Department of Education video project. "I am writing to inform you that the U.S. Department of Education selected your district to [...]

Feb 2015

Vancouver Public Schools’ leadership team to participate in Future Ready Regional Summit

February 17th, 2015|Categories: Supt news, VPS achievements, VPS press releases, weLearn1:1|

Vancouver Public Schools will welcome school district leaders from across the country to Vancouver, Washington, Feb. 17-18, to participate in the second of 12 Future Ready Regional Summits. The summits are designed to help district [...]

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