Two new elementary choice schools We are excited to announce that for the 2023-24 school year two new elementary schools are opening – Vancouver Innovation, Technology and Arts Elementary (VITA) and Ruth Bader Ginsburg [...]
In-person and remote learning kicks off the 2021-22 school year.
Dr. Jeff Snell became superintendent of Vancouver Public Schools in July 2021.
Five new schools – Marshall, Truman, Martin Luther King Jr., Vancouver iTech Preparatory and McLoughlin – were completely rebuilt. Thanks to a bond measure that voters approved in February 2017.
Remote learning 2.0 kicks off the 2020-21 school year The school year began in full remote learning for all students, based on school reopening guidelines issued by the Washington Department of Health.
Gov. Jay Inslee directed all Washington state public schools to close to help our state and nation combat the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19).
Thanks to a bond measure that voters approved in February 2017, Vancouver iTech Preparatory school was rebuilt. The new school opened January 2020.
Thanks to a bond measure that voters approved in February 2017, Ogden Elementary School was completely rebuilt. The new school opened on August 27, 2019.
The district is one of nearly 50 school districts to earn a District of Distinction award for its network of 13 Family-Community Resource Centers.
Kindergarten Jump Start, a free school-readiness program, was offer at all 21 elementary schools. The program sets the stage for student success.
The weLearn 1:1 rollout begins at Alki Middle School, where sixth-graders receive iPads to use at school and home.
Vancouver iTech Preparatory, a magnet school, opens with a focus on science, technology, engineering, and math.
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) pilots begin in some classes at Alki Middle School and Columbia River and Skyview high schools.
Former Hudson's Bay science teacher Dottie Metcalf-Lindenburger goes to space aboard the Discovery Shuttle. The teacher was selected by NASA in 2004 to be an Educator in Space.
VPS implements one-to-one technology pilots including laptops, iPods, and Mobi tablets.
Read and Play programs offered by Educations Service District 112 increase connections with families with children ages 5 and under.
Spanish Immersion Program starts at Harney Elementary. The Spanish Language Learning Program is an academically challenging and enriching program for developing linguistic proficiency in Spanish and English.
Full-day kindergarten is offered at 10 locations.
Three longtime Vancouver elementary schools——Franklin, Washington, and Hazel Dell——were completely rebuilt and ready for students on September 4, 2004. The three older buildings were closed and demolished during the summer.
The Chinook Elementary kindergarten class of 2003 included five sets of twins
Vancouver Public Schools celebrates 150 years. The district is older than the city of Vancouver and the state of Washington.
Dr. John Erickson appointed superintendent.
Voters approve an $87.7 million bond measure to complete a third phase of school construction in the district. Projects include the replacement of six aging elementary schools and the construction of a new middle school.
Thanks to a gift of $2.5 million from George and Carolyn Propstra, the Propstra Aquatic Center opens in 1999.