School improvement

Photo: Teacher and students

Title I, Part A

Title I, Part A is a federal program that provides financial assistance to educational agencies and public schools to meet the needs of educationally at-risk students. Title I, Part A programs and services provide customized instruction and curricula that help students meet challenging state academic standards.  Title I, Part A is a grant program for “improving the academic achievement of the disadvantaged.”

Parent involvement

We know that family involvement in a child’s education is a better predictor of academic success than a family’s socioeconomic status. Title I, Part A program regulations require family involvement at schools where Title I federal funds support teaching and learning.

Parent involvement policy and procedure
An overview of the district’s commitment to parent involvement.
Read the policy.

The district’s procedure which includes all the Title I required components to support parent involvement in schools.
Read the procedure.

Title I and LAP schools for 2024-25

School Title I LAP
Anderson Yes
Chinook Yes
Eisenhower Yes
Felida Yes
Franklin Yes
Fruit Valley Yes Yes
Harney Yes Yes
Hazel Dell Yes Yes
Hough Yes Yes
King Yes Yes
Lake Shore Yes
Lincoln Yes Yes
Marshall Yes Yes
Minnehaha Yes Yes
Ogden Yes Yes
Roosevelt Yes Yes
Sacajawea Yes
Salmon Creek Yes
Truman Yes Yes
Walnut Grove Yes Yes
Washington Yes Yes
School Title I LAP
Discovery Yes Yes
Gaiser Yes
Jason Lee Yes
McLoughlin  Yes Yes
School Title I LAP
Columbia River Yes
Fort Vancouver Yes Yes
Hudson’s Bay Yes
Skyview Yes
Vancouver Flex Academy Yes
School Title I LAP
Jim Tangeman Center Yes Yes
Vancouver Home Connection Yes


Charity NunnelleyTitle I coordinator
Tricia HoffarthLAP coordinator
Lucy Estrada-Guzman Director, multilingual/student success


  • Printed copies of Title I reports and resources are available by calling 360-313-1250.