Our Emergency Response Terms

Standard Response Protocol

We use Standard Response Protocol terms and instructions when responding to situations that may arise in our schools, including emergencies. This helps to ensure everyone has a shared understanding of the steps we are taking to respond.  This helps students, staff and first responders immediately know what is happening and what to do. 

It’s important that we are all familiar with these terms so we know what they mean when we use them at our schools and buildings. 

This Standard Response Protocol was developed by the I Love U Guys foundation and many of our neighboring school districts are using these same terms as well. All of us using the same terms and responses helps us better support students, families, first responders, and our community. 

How the SRP works

The Standard Response Protocol is simple: there are five different actions we may take to respond to an incident. 

When people who are responding to the situation communicate the specific action, they will also offer a directive that provides clear instructions. The communications are shared with active participants, including students, staff, teachers and first responders.


To learn more about the Standard Response Protocol or the “I Love U Guys Foundations”, visit https://iloveuguys.org/

¿Cuáles son los términos, directivas y acciones del Protocolo de Respuesta Estándar (SRP)?

El “Protocolo de Respuesta Estándar” (SRP, por sus siglas en inglés) es sencillo: hay cinco acciones específicas diferentes que podríamos realizar para responder a cualquier incidente. Cuando las personas que están respondiendo a la situación se comunican con el personal y los estudiantes en el edificio, también ofrecerán una directiva que proporciona instrucciones claras. Estas comunicaciones son compartidas con los estudiantes, el personal escolar y el personal de primeros auxilios.   

Каковы термины, указания и действия, входящие в Стандартный протокол ответных действий (SRP)?

“Стандартный протокол ответных действий – Standard Response Protocol (SRP)” является простым: в нём указаны пять конкретных действий, которые мы можем предпринять в ответ на любой конкретный инцидент.

Персонал, реагирующий на возникшую критическую ситуацию, входит в контакт с сотрудниками и учащимися в здании школы, и даёт распоряжения, в которых содержатся чёткие и ясные инструкции. Эти распоряжения передаются учащимся, сотрудникам и службам быстрого реагирования.

Ikefa ekewe kuukuun fós meinisin sukkun repwe néúnéú nón fansoun osukosuk atapwanapwan. (SRP) fengen me ifa tetenin met sipwe féri nón fansoun osukosuk atapwanapwan?

Ekkei kuukuun fós meinisin sukkun repwe néúnéú nón fansoun osukosuk atapwanapwan. (SRP) mei chék mecheres: mei wor nimwu mettoch sipwe féri nupwen epwe wor osukosuk epwe fis.

Nupwen an ekewe aramas repwe wisen cheri ekewe chóón sukkun me chóón angang nón ewe sukkun repwe poroús ngenir, repwe ngenir aúréur mei fatafatéch. Ikei met repwe ureni chóón sukkun, chóón angang me ekewe chóón cheri ion mei nomw nón osukosuk.

days per year that school grounds are monitored