First photo, left to right: Tana Lander, former PTA member; Heath Angelbeck, principal; Sarah Rogers, current PTA president; Trianna Reed, NW Construction; Jaclyn Smith, Robertson Engineering, PC
Second photo: Kindergarteners in Heidi Hockhalter’s class are ready to run!
Oct. 5 was a bright, crisp morning at Salmon Creek Elementary School, and it was the perfect day to celebrate a new fitness path with the annual Husky Run, a day-long event that takes students on a trek to fitness and fun. The Salmon Creek community cheered as the students raced, skipped and walked around the 1/6-mile path.
The path has been the dream of former Salmon Creek Parent-Teacher Association member Tana Lander who coordinated several years of fundraising to make it a reality. Thanks to donations, discounted materials and engineering and construction provided pro bono, the path was completed this fall. Robertson Engineering donated design and engineering expertise and saw the project through permitting and other county requirements. NW Construction prepared the site and constructed the asphalt path.
“This project is something we were happy to be a part of, it’s always nice working on a project that will benefit the community,” said Trianna Reed, office manager for NW Construction.
This is the eighth year of the Salmon Creek Husky Run. Each year, students in every grade level challenge themselves to run or walk laps as they can to raise money in support of PTA-sponsored school programs and projects.