First- through eighth-graders recently finished taking a test called i-Ready, as they do at the beginning of every school year. The test helps teachers understand the progress of each student in reading and math so that they can provide individualized instruction based on each student’s unique needs. i-Ready data also helps to inform specific course placement for middle school students.

If you have questions about this test, you may contact your child’s school.

Highly Capable program services

One way we use the iReady testing information is to help identify students who may qualify for Highly Capable program services. Highly capable students perform or show potential for performing at significantly advanced academic levels.

  • We will review the i-Ready data in mid-fall to identify students in grades 1-4 who are are possible candidates for further screening.
  • Prior to the end of October, parents and guardians of those students will receive letters of invitation for further screening (written parent consent required).
  • Further screening will take place during the regular school day in buildings in November and December.

Find more information about the Highly Capable program, including program details and timelines.