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My child is attending school in the hybrid model
What does the schedule look like for my child during the days they are at school?
- In-person classroom instructions with the teacher from 8:30 a.m. to 1:50 p.m.
- Specialist groups as determined by school schedules (examples may include art, music, PE, creative movement, library)
- Intervention and support groups based on student need
- Breakfast and lunch available at school
What does the schedule look like for my child during the days they are not at school?
- Time within the first 30 minutes of the day with whole class–A and B students (Zoom for students who are not present)
- Lessons or videos posted for remote learning
- On Wednesdays, when A and B students are all remote, time within the first 30 minutes of the beginning of the day, with whole class, followed by real-time and posted lessons
- Grab-and-go meals available for pick up at eight school locations
My child will continue with remote only and will not attend the hybrid model
What does learning look like for my child?
Please keep in mind that the full-remote choice will include more independent learning than the current remote 2.0 schedule.
- Time within the first 30 minutes of the day with whole class (Zoom for students who are not present)
- Lessons or videos posted for remote learning
- On Wednesdays, when A and B students are all remote, 30 minutes at the beginning of the day, followed by real-time lessons
If you have questions, please contact your principal.
There is flexibility in the choice you make. If you choose to have your child attend the hybrid schedule, you may change your mind at any time to move to remote. Additionally, if you choose to have your child start in remote, you can move to the hybrid schedule. Please contact your principal about changes.