VPS this week: 6/24/21 | Español | Русский
News to know: Free summer meals, findings and key actions from the equity audit and looking ahead to fall.
News to know: Free summer meals, findings and key actions from the equity audit and looking ahead to fall.
News to know: Looking ahead to fall, summer camps, Kindergarten Jump Start.
News to know: Last two days of school; turning in a student iPad, Chromebook or laptop; summer learning opportunities.
What to know about turning in a student iPad, Chromebook or laptop for the summer.
Each school has developed a collection plan that has been or will be shared with students and families.
News to know: Memorial Day, fall 2021 planning, summer credit recovery and more.
News to know: Fall 2021 planning, vaccine eligibility expands, updated mask requirement information and more.
Help guide our 2021-22 school year planning.
The postponement will allow more time for concerns and questions to be addressed and Clark County COVID-19 case data to be monitored before a start date for hybrid learning is set.
Update Sept. 18: The transition to hybrid learning on Sept. 29 has been postponed.
Update Sept. 18: The transition to hybrid learning on Sept. 29 has been postponed.
Lea este mensaje en Español. Прочитать данное сообщение по-русски. Parents and guardians will receive an email on Wednesday, Sept. 16, with an invitation to take a short survey. The VPS technology [...]
Find out when and where to get in-person tech support.
Parent sessions will be held via Zoom on Thursdays during September. Register now.
Get an overview of middle school remote learning 2.0 and hear the answers to frequently asked questions.
What will remote learning 2.0 be like for high schools, VSAA and iTech? Get an overview here.
The decision to recommend a full remote learning model is based on several factors.
The recent survey on remote learning had more than 5,000 responses. We value the comments and want you to know how we will respond to that feedback.
We are developing plans for a few possible scenarios in VPS, and plans also are being discussed at the state level.
We want input from families to help refine remote learning experiences for students.
Washington state teachers must follow these rules when determining grades for high school course credit during the COVID-19 school closure.
Updates on grading, credits, report cards, retrieving personal items from schools, fines and fees, elementary-middle school and middle-high school transitions and high school seniors.
Find out how to get a device for a kindergartner, first grader or second grader.
Remote learning and more information for the week of April 6, 2020.
Get the details on time and grading expectations for high school students.
Get the details on time and grading expectations for middle school students.
Get the details on time and grading expectations for elementary students.
Information for parents and guardians of third through fifth graders.
We expect to receive additional guidance from OSPI for delivering online education.