Summer meals for students and families | Español | Русский
Summer meals will be available for students thanks to our community partners.
Summer meals will be available for students thanks to our community partners.
In this issue: summer meals, immunizations, graduation dates, and more!
Please share your input on the emerging themes in our strategic planning process!
In this issue: proposed school start times, strategic planning, summer workshops, and more!
In this issue of VPS now: Take the Panorama Family Survey, Early Kindergarten and Dual-Language program deadlines, graduations dates, and more!
In this issue: Kindergarten registration, in-district boundary exceptions, and much more!
This summer, artists may participate in a variety of activities, including dance, acting, music and the visual arts. All opportunities are offered free to students currently enrolled in Vancouver Public Schools.
Parents of students in grades 6-12: Learn about the many options VPS students have in terms of career and college readiness and how to best support your student in making their decisions at the Future Ready Parent workshop.
In this issue: Kindergarten registration, Future Ready Parent Workshop, and more!
In this issue: Elementary and Secondary Choice Programs, RBG, Student Recognitions, and more!
In this issue: Levy update, Elementary Choice Programs, DOE grant, and more.
VPS now: Special Edition announcing two new elementary school choice programs
Announcing two new elementary choice schools: VITA and RBG. Applications are being accepted.
In this issue: Black History Month, Mandarin Language Learning, staff and student accomplishments, and more.
In this issue: VITA and RBG, fentanyl forums, levy, and more.
You are invited to attend a fentanyl awareness forum, featuring Sgt. Bill Sofianos of the Clark County Sheriff's Office.
In this issue: Magnet Programs and Programs of Choice, Inside VPS, Levy, and more.
In this issue: VPS Voices podcast, high school celebrations, when to keep sick kids home, and more.
In this issue: Transitional Kindergarten, Employee Excellence Awards, Weather Alerts, and more.
Get the facts about Vancouver Public Schools' renewal education and operations levy.
In this issue: A replacement levy will be on the February ballot, learn about the VPS budget, and more.
In this issue: Meet our education ombudsman, Vancouver Public Schools is partnering with Share of Vancouver and Clark County Food Bank to host free food pantries, the SmileMobile is coming to Vancouver, replacement levy planned for February 2023!
College admissions staff will reach out to qualifying students by email beginning in December.
On September 8, 2022, Governor Inslee announced that all remaining COVID-19 emergency orders and the ongoing state of emergency will end on October 31.
Families can find free food at several locations.
In this issue: Write our story, VITA Learning Lab introduces students to project-based learning, bus driver shortage results in delayed bus routes, replacement levy planned for February 2023, join the VPS team!
We have been alerted by the Clark Regional Drug Task Force about new versions of the drug fentanyl that look like Skittles or Smarties candy.
In this issue: Celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month, replacement levy planned for February 2023, curriculum nights are underway, join the VPS team!
This year, all second through fifth grade students will have an opportunity to visit this new school and learn more about the community they live in.
In this issue: First day of school photos, fall Panorama survey, Transitional Kindergarten, free meals for all students.
In order to learn more about student experiences at school, we will be asking for your child’s feedback via an online survey they will be completing at school in grades 3-12.
No time to make a sign? Use one of these for a great first-day-of-school picture!
Here are the top things to know.
The current education and operations levy, passed by voters in 2019, will expire at the end of 2023.
News to know: Back-to-school information, immunizations, attendance messages and more.
Sharing gratitude as we end the 2021-22 school year, congratulating the class of 2022 and planning for the future.
Leading up to graduation, we interviewed hundreds of seniors. We asked them about what worked for them and what we could improve to make school the best place it can be.
Thank you to our students, families and staff for your collaboration and contributions to a successful school year!
News to know: Boundary exceptions are due June 10, June 16 is the last day of school, COVID-19 testing changes and more.
News to know: Boundary exceptions due June 10, family survey closes May 27, openings still available in dual language programs, summer meals for students and families.