VPS now: 9/7/22 | Español | Русский | Fóósun Chuuk
In this issue: First day of school photos, fall Panorama survey, Transitional Kindergarten, free meals for all students.
In this issue: First day of school photos, fall Panorama survey, Transitional Kindergarten, free meals for all students.
In order to learn more about student experiences at school, we will be asking for your child’s feedback via an online survey they will be completing at school in grades 3-12.
See first day of school pictures from around the district!
Safety and security is a top priority in Vancouver Public Schools. An important part of keeping our students safe involves an ability to identify concerning language or inappropriate use of technology by students on their school-issued laptops and iPads, email and the internet.
This year, every VPS student will continue to have the option to eat breakfast and lunch at school for free. But we need your help. Your child’s school will soon share an education benefits form for you to complete.
Here are the top things to know.
News to know: Back-to-school information, immunizations, attendance messages and more.
Find out why attendance matters and when attendance messages will begin.