Sandra Zavala-Ortega becomes first Latina VPS Board President
On January 10, Sandra Zavala-Ortega began her role as the first Latina School Board President for VPS.
On January 10, Sandra Zavala-Ortega began her role as the first Latina School Board President for VPS.
The board values and benefits from the wide range of perspectives in our community.
The board interviewed three candidates and voted unanimously for Zavala-Ortega.
The opportunity to provide input on the search for a new superintendent is available to VPS parents, employees and other community stakeholders. Zoom meetings have been scheduled by McPherson & Jacobson, the search firm hired [...]
The resolution outlines features of the board's commitment to the districtwide equity initiative.
Pictured from left: Kyle Sproul, Tracie Barrows and Kathy Decker Vancouver Public Schools welcomes three new members to the board of directors. Kyle Sproul, Tracie Barrows and Kathy Decker took the oath of office at [...]
Everyone is invited to a celebration on Nov. 7!
Smith, who was elected in the Nov. 7 general election, will be formerly sworn in at the Dec. 12 school board meeting.
After eight years, Kathy Gillespie is retiring from Vancouver Public Schools’ board of directors.
The American School Board Journal’s 2015 Magna Award winners have been announced, and among the five first-place winners in the over 20,000 enrollment category is Vancouver Public Schools’ 2014 Go Ready! Back-to-School Readiness Festival. The [...]