Mar 2022

Вторгнення в Україну | Вторжение в Украину | English | Español | Fósun Chuuk

March 2nd, 2022|Categories: Elementary schools, Equity news, Secondary schools (6-12)|

Ми всі шоковані насиллям, що розгортається в Україні, і ми виступаємо разом як шкільна спільнота проти жорстокості та насильства. На нас всех повлияла информация о развёртывании силовых действий в Украине, и наше школьное сообщество сплочённо выступает против жестокости и насилия.

Oct 2021

VPS community invited to provide input on proposed equity policy | Español | Русский | Fóósun Chuuk

October 19th, 2021|Categories: Equity news, Español|

The district is developing an equity policy that will provide a roadmap for day-to-day operations, providing accountability and guidance for decision-making.

Mar 2020

VPS committee hears consultant’s report on discipline equity

March 5th, 2020|Categories: Discipline Equity Steering Committee news, Elementary schools, Secondary schools (6-12)|

VPS formed the steering committee to seek input and guidance from staff and community members in response to the Washington State Attorney General’s Office investigation of disproportionate discipline in the district.

Nov 2019

VPS collaborates with community partners on discipline

November 14th, 2019|Categories: Discipline Equity Steering Committee news, VPS press releases|

Vancouver Public Schools is reaching out to staff and community members for input and guidance as part of its response to the Washington State Attorney General’s Office investigation of disproportionate discipline for special education, African [...]

Oct 2019

Vancouver Public Schools is committed to improving student disciplinary practices

October 23rd, 2019|Categories: Discipline Equity Steering Committee news, Elementary schools, Secondary schools (6-12), VPS press releases|

VPS is taking steps to examine and refine its disciplinary policies and practices after a 2018-19 investigation by the Washington state attorney general’s office identified disproportionate outcomes.

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