April 2018 Employee Excellence Awards
This month's winners include two teachers, two district resource officers and a specialist in the human resources department.
This month's winners include two teachers, two district resource officers and a specialist in the human resources department.
The assignment was just one project students have explored in their school’s makerspace.
See how the themes of community, collaboration and sustainability are displayed in the plans.
The public is invited to see the final design of Ogden Elementary School at an open house on Thursday, March 8, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. A virtual tour of the new school will simulate [...]
This month's winners include a principal, paraeducator, two teachers and two interpreters.
Class-size reductions, playground improvements and turf field installations are among the upcoming projects.
Preliminary designs of the new school incorporate community and child-friendly spaces.
The new Peter S. Ogden Elementary won't open until fall 2019, but the public is invited to a preview of the future school. Preliminary architectural designs will be unveiled at an open house on Thursday, [...]
In the five-and-a-half months since local voters approved the bond measure to rebuild or upgrade every single school in the district, VPS has been hard at work fulfilling its promise to taxpayers.
Learn about Ogden's new makerspace, which has expanded opportunities for hands-on learning.
Mangos, blackberries, rainbow carrots, mini sweet peppers and star fruit are a sampling of the fresh fruits and vegetables students will be snacking on at five elementary schools in Vancouver Public Schools. VPS was awarded [...]
Eleven teams representing Eisenhower, Felida, Hazel Dell, Marshall, Ogden and Salmon Creek elementary schools matched literary wits in the fourth annual VPS Battle of the Books.
By collecting thousands of pounds of plastic film wrap, Vancouver schools learned about recycling in Clark County's 2016 Trex Plastic Wrap Collection Challenge.
Let’s go back to the year 1956. Eisenhower was in the White House. “Heartbreak Hotel” topped the charts. America’s Oldest Teenager Dick Clark picked up a gig hosting “American Bandstand.” A loaf of bread cost about 18 cents.
Planning teams of staff members and architects developed concepts and designs for a new, larger Ogden.
The district is embarking on a redesign of Ogden to address the building’s challenges. Nearly 70 people gathered at a March 9 symposium to discuss what the new school would be like.
A Broader, Bolder Approach to Education today released a case study about Vancouver Public Schools. Developed over the past year, the case study highlights the district's Family-Community Resource Centers, known as FCRCs, and work with local partners to remove poverty-created barriers to learning among more than half of VPS' 23,500 students.
Vancouver Public Schools will present its 19th annual Dance Festival Tuesday, Feb. 16.
VPS’ elementary schools have partnered with the district’s communications office to embark on a redesign of all elementary school websites.
Three community organizations joined Gaiser Middle School, Peter S. Ogden Elementary School and the VPS mobile FCRC to feed hungry families on Dec. 11.
If you want to know what an elementary school should look and feel like, ask a fifth-grader. An elementary school should “feel like you’re at home and be comfortable. Because if you’re comfortable, you’re comfortable [...]
Mangos, blackberries, rainbow carrots, mini sweet peppers and star fruit are a sampling of the fresh fruits and vegetables students will be snacking on at five elementary schools in Vancouver Public Schools. VPS was awarded [...]
Ethan danced as an overcast morning gave way to just enough light to allow the solar-powered boat he’d built with his classmate Brandy to pull ahead in the race.
With a team name that is probably deserving to be a title of its own a popular fictional book, a group of Felida Elementary students won the city-wide Battle of the Books May 30 at [...]
Vancouver Public Schools has announced several administrative changes for the 2015-16 school year. Personnel assignments are subject to final approval by the school board. At the district administrative office, Travis Campbell has been hired as [...]
Four employees were selected for the March 2015 recognition. They were honored at the March 24 school board meeting. Pictured from left to right are: Mick Hoffman, executive director of operations, safety and security, athletics and activities and [...]
Four employees were selected for the May 2014 recognition. They were honored at the May 27 school board meeting. Pictured left to right are: RoseMary Marek, literacy specialist, Hazel Dell Elementary School Bekah Raymond, teacher, [...]
Design II Showcase Goal Area: Safe and Supportive Schools Formal measures to make all schools safe and supportive learning environments—a Design II strategic priority—began five years ago at six pilot schools. Peter S. Ogden Elementary School [...]